Bio Farma is a state-owned
enterprises in Indonesia, which manufactures vaccines and sera to
support immunization programs in Indonesia and other countries. Bio
Farma has entered into a prequalification list of the World Health
Organization (WHO), more complete information please visit
Biofarma eRecruitment try to discover the potential and abilities with a
series of selection processes. We tried to see you personally and get a
complete picture of competence, interests and your desires.
One of the most significant advantage to work together with us is that
the training and development in our Professional attitude and thinking,
has high integrity, and work in Transparent and Accountable who
represents the company culture, career opportunities and balanced with
opportunities to advance.
We need people the best and brightest professionals to share knowledge,
skills and energy for the betterment of the company and the nation.
- Usia Max D3:32 tahun, S1:35 tahun
- Pendidikan D3 atau S1 semua Jurusan
- Memiliki Pengalaman sebagai MR atau pengalaman lain dibidang pemasaran
- Memiliki Kendaraan Pribadi dan Surat Ijin Mengemudi
- Memiliki kemampuan berkomunikasi dalam B.lnggris
- Diutamakan domisili diwilayah penempatan
Penempatan :
Manado, Samarinda, Bangka Belitung, Jakarta, Depok, Banten, Bekasi
Lowongan akan ditutup pada 23 April 2015
Kirim surat lamaran & Curiculum Vitao (CV) ko Alamat email: dengan subject email MR- Nama Kota
- Bio Farma tidak membebankan biaya rekrutmen
- Pengumuman seleksi hanya melalui website resmi follow Twitter @BiofarmalD dan email
- Seleksi akan dilaksanakan di masing masing kota penempatan
Senin, 20 April 2015
Lowongan Kerja Biofarma (Persero) April 2015
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Lowongan Kerja BUMN
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