Rabu, 19 November 2014

Lowongan Kerja BUMN Wika Beton November 2014

Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Wijaya Karya Beton (WIKA BETON) ,as one of subsidiaries of PT Wijaya Karya (Persero),Tbk (WIKA), is part of corporate expansion that specializes in precast concrete industry. WIKA started to concentrate on the pre-cast concrete industry in 1977 by developing pre-cast concrete panel for low-rise housing projects. Ever since, WIKA is determined to keep developing their products in order to anticipate the development plan and emerging infrastructure projects.

The product development has created these outcomes : pre-stressed concrete poles for power distribution lines and PC piles, then followed by other products, for instance, concrete open channels, concrete railways sleepers, bridges girders, sheet piles, pipes, platform slabs and building components which have been implemented in various range of projects. Those products emerged in the right timing and succeeded to become leading products in the market.

Apart from product developing endeavors, WIKA also continuously develops the production facilities by adding factories in some locations. To date, WIKA BETON owns seven factories in the seven locations throughout Indonesia, such as in North Sumatra, Lampung, Bogor, Karawang, Majalengka, Boyolali, Pasuruan and South Sulawesi. Supported by large number of factories owned, variety of products as well as professional management, WIKA BETON becomes the major manufacturer and market leader of pre-cast concrete products in Indonesia.

Pelaksana Proyek
D3 Teknik Sipil (IPK min 2.75 skala 4)
Berusia max. 28 tahun per tanggal 01 Desember 2014
Mampu berbahasa Inggris dengan baik (Lisan dan Tulisan)
Persyaratan administratif:
Surat Lamaran, CV, dan Pasphoto
Copy kartu identitas, ijazah, transkrip nilai akademik
Sertifikat pendukung lainnya
Permohonan ditujukan kepada

PT. Wijaya Karya Beton Tbk
Wilayah Penjualan II
Jl. Bambang Utoyo Rama Kasih Raya No. 957
Palembang 30115

Permohonan diterima paling lambat tanggal 30 November 2014

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Related : Lowongan Kerja BUMN Wika Beton November 2014