Rabu, 01 Januari 2014

Lowongan Kerja Bumn BATAN Teknologi (Persero) Januari 2014

Lowongan Kerja Bumn PT. BATAN TEKNOLOGI (PERSERO) become the only national company endow with capabilities for producing a wide range of nuclear products, as well as, providing services in nuclear technology application.
Combining this capacity with a strong support from BATAN, the Company has been successfully serving national demand for nuclear products and services for both medical and industrial uses, as well as for R & D purposes.

As a consequences of choosing nuclear industry as the main area of business PT. BATAN TEKNOLOGI (PERSERO) has the responsibility to implement all applied nuclear regulation and procedures to meet a stringent requirement to nuclear safety. Together with certified quality procedures practiced at all level, Company operation, they give a guarantee of safe, reliable quality products and services to the customers.

Consistent with its vision to become a prominent national company in nuclear industry in Asia, a strategic policy focusing on a basic competency has been dictating the Company business approaches in the long run. We are confident with this policy, the Company could become a special company representing the country in nuclear business in Asia.

Pelaksana Akuntansi


- Pria / Wanita
- Pendidikan terakhir Sarjana Akuntansi, IPK minimal 2.75
- Lulusan dari universitas negeri dengan akreditasi min. B atau universitas swasta dengan akreditasi min. A
- Usia maksimal 30 Tahun
- Memiliki kemampuan mengoperasikan komputer dlm lembar kerja & laporan lainnya yang diperlukan dalam Ms. Excel / Ms. Word / Software Akunting lainnya
- Bersedia bekerja lembur jika dibutuhkan
- Jujur, teliti, disiplin, bertanggungjawab, Sanggup bekerja keras dan dapat bekerja dalam tim
- Memiliki Kemampuan untuk bekerja secara mandiri
- Berkemauan keras & memiliki motivasi kerja
- Dapat menjaga kerahasiaan Perusahaan.

Lamaran diterima paling lambat hari Selasa, 7 Januari 2014, dengan mengirimkan surat lamaran lengkap ke :

PT Batan Teknologi (Persero)
Kawasan PUSPIPTEK Gd. 70
Setu – Tangerang Selatan 15310

Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi Lowongan Kerja Bumn yang akan dipanggil.

Tangerang selatan, 31 Desember 2013
Subdivisi Adm. dan Personal

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Related : Lowongan Kerja Bumn BATAN Teknologi (Persero) Januari 2014